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How to Boost Your Metabolism - 24+ Highly Effective Secrets for a Slim and Healthy Body

Many people assume that losing weight requires hours of exercise or calorie counting. While that helps, there are also many natural ways to boost your metabolism.

How to Boost Your Metabolism - 24+ Highly Effective Secrets for a Slim and Healthy Body

from Kirstin Hartman
I love to learn how to do things and write about it. This is, why I am so proud to be part of HTD Central!

Our 24 best tips include supplements, teas, vitamins, and even foods that help you burn more calories than you eat. The emphasis is on natural, because many of these remedies can have side effects, such as nervousness or headaches.

What boosting metabolism is about

The keto diet has been called the "holy grail of weight loss" and has been proven to help reduce body fat, reduce cravings and lose weight quickly. However, the diet is not always easy to follow. Many keto diet participants struggle with cravings at first, while others find it challenging to eat enough fat.

Ketogenic diet

The ketogenic diet has gained popularity in recent years for helping people lose weight. It is best known as an "introductory diet" in weight loss programs. However, it is also promoted as a diet for "metabolic flexibility", that is, as a way to refresh the metabolism.

The ketogenic diet is a form of fasting that restricts carbohydrates and forces the body to burn stored fat for energy. Some keto diets allow some carbohydrates, while others restrict them almost completely.

The keto diet requires you to eat a lot of fat, medium amounts of protein and very few carbohydrates. Originally, the diet was developed to treat people with epilepsy, but now researchers have found that such restrictive diets can help people lose weight and even reverse type 2 diabetes.

Advantages Ketogenic Diet

There are numerous benefits of a ketogenic diet:

  • The ketogenic diet, if done correctly, can help you lose weight. This diet restricts carbohydrate intake. Carbohydrates are broken down into sugar in the body, which leads to increased insulin levels, fat storage, and the buildup of belly fat. So on a ketogenic diet, you restrict your carbohydrate intake and switch to fat.
  • The keto diet increases libido by increasing testosterone and estrogen levels.
  • It increases endurance because it reduces the body's need for glycogen stores. Glycogen is a type of storage carbohydrate that provides energy to the muscles during physical exertion. The less glycogen you have in your muscles, the faster you can train.
  • When the body enters ketosis, you feel more energetic, focused and alert. The level of serotonin in the brain also increases significantly. This improves your ability to focus.
  • The diet is used repeatedly to treat various diseases, including epilepsy, cancer, type 2 diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer's disease and psychiatric disorders. The ketogenic diet can be modified to suit some people with depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.
  • The ketogenic diet is a low-carbohydrate, high-fat, moderate-protein diet. This diet uses fat instead of carbohydrates for fuel. Insulin and glucose levels are lowered, which helps the body control inflammation.
  • According to the Mayo Clinic, the keto diet "has shown good results in controlling blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes, "2 and research has shown that a keto diet can reduce symptoms of epilepsy.
  • Research has shown that it can support your body's circadian rhythm, or natural sleep-wake cycle.
  • Not only has the ketogenic diet been shown to help you lose weight, it also reduces hunger pangs and curbs cravings.
  • This diet increases energy expenditure. Studies have shown that energy expenditure increases by 1.5% to 5% on a 2-, 4-, or 6-week ketogenic diet. Increased energy expenditure can help with weight loss.
  • The keto diet helps reduce inflammation, reduce acne, and reduce wrinkles. The diet is ideal for people who suffer from acne or for people who want to lose weight.
  • Reducing carbohydrates and replacing them with healthy fats can reduce the body's sensitivity to allergens.

Disadvantages Ketogenic Diet

However, the keto diet also has some disadvantages. First of all, you have to watch what you eat. Many people stick to a strict ketogenic diet, limiting carbohydrates to less than 50 grams per day. Others go even further and limit carbohydrates to 30 grams or more per day.

This diet changes your body's metabolism. When you burn fat, your fat cells will shrink. Since fat cells are actually tiny chambers that store fat, this can lead to unpleasant side effects like temporary constipation.

This diet also poses some health risks. While it can help you lose weight, it can also result in the loss of important nutrients like calcium, protein, iron and potassium. The keto diet can also limit your intake of vitamins.

Boost Metabolism by eating

What is the best way to lose weight? Exercise? A diet? None of the above. Exercise and dieting may be important, but the best diet is the one that's easiest to stick with - one that's sustainable and inspires you.

We've found that with the right foods, you can eat what you want and still lose weight. Your body adjusts to your diet - and your cravings for sweets, carbs and fat change.

The right number of calories

When you eat more calories than your body burns, you store them as fat. And that's bad news. The other bad news: because when you go on a calorie-restricted diet, your body adjusts its metabolism and makes it harder for you to lose weight. To get your body to burn more calories and lose weight faster, you should eat a maximum of 200-400 calories per day less than your body needs!

Eat smaller portions

Big meals are out. Small meals are in.

Many people report that eating smaller portions makes them feel fuller and eat less. But how can you eat smaller portions without feeling deprived? The key is to eat the right portion sizes.

Eating smaller portions can help you lose weight and improve your health. Research shows that small portions help you eat fewer calories. This is important because if you eat 500 fewer calories a day, you can lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks. And that's not all the benefits. Eating smaller portions can also improve your health. Eating smaller portions means you're eating fewer calories. But it also means you're eating less saturated fat, sodium, cholesterol and fiber. What you eat is important, but what you eat is just as important as how much you eat.

The right breakfast

What should you eat for breakfast to feel good? Well, the first meal you feed your body determines what your blood sugar levels, energy levels and appetite are like for the rest of the day. Many people believe that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and that you need to feed your body accordingly if you want to lose weight successfully.

The most important thing you can take away from this article is that breakfast includes "real food" - whole, unprocessed foods low in carbs and sugar and high in protein.

Start your day with these 7 "real food" breakfast ideas.

  1. Toast with Almond butter
  2. Sweet potato hash
  3. Cold brewed coffee
  4. Pear-Almond-Smoothie
  5. Egg white omelet
  6. Egg whites in a bowl
  7. Oatmeal with chia seeds

High-fiber lunch

Boost your metabolism at lunch by reaching for high-fiber foods. Researchers at Cornell University have found that high-fiber foods can help you burn more calories. They fed mice a high-fiber diet that contained either the same calories as the mice ate or a low-calorie diet. After four weeks, the mice on the higher-fiber diet had burned 30 percent more body fat than the mice on the low-calorie diet.

The researchers found that the foods increased the amount of energy the mice burned through metabolic processes such as digestion and exercise. High-fiber foods also decreased the amount of fat the mice ate. The mice that ate the high-energy food ate 10 percent less food and 10 percent less fat than the mice on the low-calorie diet.

Cinnamon for metabolism

The popularity of spices is rapidly increasing. Few people seem to have ever thought about the fact that cinnamon is one of the most powerful spices in the world. Cinnamon has many health benefits that can help our body burn fat. Not only that, cinnamon is also good for heart health.

Cinnamon spice is extracted from the inner bark of the cinnamon tree. Cinnamon trees can grow up to 20 meters high. The bark is peeled, and the cinnamon is ground into powder. Cinnamon bark actually contains 30 percent monoterpenes, which are powerful antioxidants. These antioxidants protect the heart from damage. Cinnamaldehyde, the phenol in cinnamon, causes it to increase metabolism by 7 percent. Researchers even suggest that cinnamaldehyde may stimulate weight loss and be a possible remedy for dementia.

Research also shows that cinnamon can relieve digestive discomfort.

Nutritional supplements

You can use metabolism-boosting supplements to support a healthy metabolism with vitamins, minerals and natural substances such as green tea extract, conjugated linoleic acid, Rhodiola Rosea and caffeine.

The human body constantly needs energy to perform vital functions such as respiration, cell regeneration and brain function. Metabolism is the process by which our body converts nutrients into energy. When we have a healthy metabolism, we lose weight.

Metabolism boosting supplements, vitamins and minerals can help you support a healthy metabolism.

Exception days

Every long-term diet is also based on so-called exception days. On these days the diet is interrupted and you are allowed - no MUST - sin. In the metabolic diet this is an important part, so that the body gets variation in its routines. You should firmly schedule a fast break once a week.

Boost metabolism with drinks

No, we're not talking about diet shakes or pills here. We're talking about three of the easiest drinks you can mix at home. In three quick steps, you can whip up a hot beverage that will boost your metabolism (and burn calories) while you sip.

Drink green tea

How do you start your day? Do you reach for a cup of coffee in the morning? Do you reach for that morning doughnut? Or do you reach for a cup of green tea and an apple instead? If you answered yes to the last of these questions, it could be a boon to your health. Green tea has long been praised for its health benefits, but according to a recent study published in the British Medical Journal, it can also boost your metabolism.

In a study of six healthy men, researchers found that consuming decaffeinated green tea increased metabolism by a whopping 7 percent. The researchers also found that the green tea drinkers burned more calories than the control group in the 14 hours after drinking the tea.

Metabolism is the rate at which your body burns calories at rest. Like your car, your body needs fuel to run. When your car is running, the engine burns fuel. It's the same with your metabolism. When your metabolism is running, your body burns energy, or calories, even when at rest.

Drink ginger tea

Ginger is the most widely consumed spice in the world. Not only is it used in cooking, but it is also used as a remedy and as an energy source. Although the ginger root itself contains a number of nutrients,* the best known is gingerol, a compound that researchers believe can support a healthy metabolism.

Ginger has long been known to boost metabolism, curb appetite and promote regularity. In clinical studies, ginger has now proven its effectiveness in treating osteoarthritis, cancer and irritable bowel syndrome.

Ginger is a natural product that you can take fresh, as ginger root, or in the form of ginger ale, ginger tea, ginger brandy, ginger candies, and ginger nuts.

Most commonly, ginger is consumed in the form of tea, but fresh ginger is another way to incorporate ginger into your diet. We like to make ginger tea, either with ginger root slices or with dried or fresh ginger. You can also use ginger in stir-fries, curries, or as a seasoning for pancake sauces.

Ginger tastes best when eaten fresh. Look for firm, plump roots without black or moldy spots. If stored properly, ginger can keep for up to 2 years.


Caffeine is a stimulant. It increases the amount of stress hormones in the blood. Studies show that caffeine does not affect all people in the same way. In some, blood pressure goes up, in others it doesn't. But everyone gets a boost in alertness.

Caffeine has been shown to boost metabolism and increase fat burning. It's even been tested in studies where subjects were only allowed to exercise for 30 minutes at a time. Subjects who consumed caffeine before exercising burned more calories after their workout than those who did not.

Get your metabolism going with lemon water

Research shows that drinking lemon water has at least 50 important health benefits. The peel of lemons contains compounds called limonoids. These compounds have a positive effect on the body. When the body absorbs limonoids from lemons, it increases its metabolism.

Also, lemon water increases the body's production of insulin, which reduces the amount of fat stored in the body. Lemon water can help the body maintain good blood circulation. Research has shown that lemon water also lowers blood pressure. The antioxidants in lemon water, vitamin C and potassium, help the body fight free radicals that damage the body.

Lemon water is useful for boosting the immune system. Lemon water helps the body fight infections. It can also help with headaches, sore throats and colds. Lemon water is a natural preservative. Many studies show that lemon water can kill harmful bacteria in the body.

Drink lemon water in the morning on an empty stomach. You should always drink lemon water first thing in the morning.

Grapefruit juice?

You may already know that grapefruit is good (and good for you).

A whole grapefruit contains 75% of your daily vitamin C needs, and since vitamin C is an antioxidant, it fights free radicals that can cause disease by damaging cells.

But did you know how good it can be for your metabolism? Research has shown that drinking grapefruit juice can help your body burn more fat.

But grapefruit, while a delicious juice, also contains a lot of sugar. Therefore, it should not be consumed too frequently when on a metabolic diet.

Metabolic diet for vegetarians and vegans

According to leading nutritionists, a vegetarian diet can also boost your metabolism so that you burn more calories. But if the vegetarian diet isn't balanced with lean protein from low-fat dairy and lean meats, it can slow your metabolism, increase your hunger, and lead to overeating. That's where the Boost Metabolism Vegetarian Plan comes in. It combines delicious vegetarian recipes with meals and snacks that give you the protein you need and boost fat burning.

The metabolic vegetarian diet includes mostly vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains and even dark chocolate. When you fill up on these nutrient-dense foods, you'll boost your metabolism, slim down, and most importantly, feel better.

Boost your metabolism after 40

Metabolism slows down as we get older. For this reason, many people gain weight as they age. But there are other factors as well. Stress, fatigue, and unhealthy eating can also affect your weight. To maintain a healthy weight, it's important to eat a healthy diet and get enough exercise. Drinking plenty of water can also help. Water keeps the body hydrated and helps with digestion.

You can boost your metabolism by eating right and exercising. Exercise increases your metabolism longer, up to 24 hours after a workout. Eat a healthy diet.

How Ketogenic Diet and Estrogen Diet are related to each other

Estrogen is the hormone that regulates growth, cell reproduction and sexual development. It is essential for women because without it, our bodies would not be able to grow breasts or induce a healthy pregnancy. But as we age, estrogen levels naturally decline. If you're struggling with the symptoms of low estrogen, you're not alone. In fact, low estrogen is one of the most common reasons women see a gynecologist. But if your estrogen levels are too low, you may also have a lower metabolism while building lean muscle mass. The good news is that there are things you can do to boost your metabolism naturally.

One simple thing you can do is boost your metabolism because you will have more energy. There are many foods that can boost your metabolism and help you have more energy for the day naturally. Fruits like apples and bananas, vegetables like spinach, carrots and broccoli, and protein foods like fish, eggs and lean meats naturally boost your metabolism.

Exercise regularly

If there's one thing I know about metabolism, it's that it works like a muscle. If you don't use it, you lose it. Whether you want to increase or maintain your metabolism, you need to keep it active. Research shows that increasing your daily activity level by 30 minutes a day is most effective. This can make a big difference over time.

If you're already active, you can easily increase your metabolism by 60 to 90 minutes a day by walking and exercising. If that seems like too much, start with 10 minutes a day. That's enough for your metabolism to start burning extra calories.

That's good news - because you'll feel better, look better, and be healthier.

Exercise in the morning

The best time to work out is in the morning. Your body hasn't had time to fully recover from the night and doesn't have the glycogen stores to replenish energy, so working out in the morning will help you use up stored energy faster.

Make it a habit to wake up every morning and exercise at least thirty minutes before breakfast. If you have time, you can add another 30 minutes to your exercise routine. If you don't have time, you can also do 10-15 minutes of high-intensity interval training.

Strength Training

The last thing you want to do is lift some weights. But an hour of strength training can burn up to 300 extra calories - sound too much? In a recent study, men who completed six 45-minute strength training sessions per week burned more calories than those who did endurance exercise.

"Resistance training can activate the metabolism and help you lose weight," says certified personal trainer Ed Gibala, PhD, professor of exercise science at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario.

Not sure where to start? Start with a compound exercise, like squats, lunges or deadlifts, Gibala says. "They work multiple muscles at once, which burns more calories," he says.


Yoga is good for you and a great addition to any workout routine. But yoga is also a great way to boost your metabolism and lose weight. It can boost energy, help with weight loss and relieve stress.

To help you find a program that will help you burn more fat, we invited a certified fitness trainer, a yoga instructor and a nutritionist to wean themselves off sugar and carbs and follow a fat-burning exercise program. We gave them free rein to choose their program and follow it as closely as possible. After six weeks, each of them had lost about 15 pounds, and each week they lost more. Body fat percentage decreased and muscle mass increased.

We wanted to know which program helped the most. We asked the three experts to rate their workouts. The trainer chose the yoga workout as the best, the yoga instructor voted for the yoga workout, and the nutrition expert said the yoga workout was her favorite.

The right sleep for a metabolic boost

Sleep plays a crucial role in metabolism, but some people simply have trouble falling asleep. If you suffer from insomnia, the first advice you should give your body is sleep.

Studies have shown that when your body sleeps, it restores its biochemical and physiological functions. It restores its metabolism and eliminates toxins. When you wake up, you feel more energetic, alert and focused.

Go to bed and get up regularly

Sleep is the most important time of day for protein synthesis, and if you go to bed at an unnatural time, this can be disrupted. This can ruin your weight loss efforts. Robbing yourself of sleep will also make you crave food more. The hormone cortisol, which tells you when you're hungry, increases during sleepless nights.

Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This helps your body clock tell your body when it's time to wind down and go to sleep. If you go to bed early, you can try to relax before you fall asleep.

What you should do before going to bed

If you like to eat sumptuously in the evening, or you like to snack before you go to bed, then you should change that. Because if you eat later in the evening or at night, your weight loss efforts may be in vain. After eating, your body digests the food, which is then converted into energy. But when you eat at night, your body has to digest and process the food while you sleep. This means your body has to use energy and doesn't have time for normal nighttime routines, which ultimately slows down your metabolism. The bottom line: stop eating after an early dinner.


The Metabolic Diet is an honest and straightforward approach to achieving a healthier lifestyle.

This diet program will help you lose weight naturally and improve your health - and it will change your life!

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